After the Tones Drop is NOW ON YouTube!

PDF Tools

Explore our collection of PDFs and worksheets designed to support your journey in mastering mindfulness and coping skills. Click on the links provided on this page to access these valuable resources directly. Print them out to create tangible tools that aid in your personal growth. Customize your experience by focusing on specific areas of interest or challenges. Engage with the content regularly to reinforce new skills and habits. Your feedback is important, so share your thoughts or suggestions. If you find these resources helpful, consider sharing them with others. Embrace this opportunity to enhance your well-being through mindful exploration and skill-building.



Featured in Episode 16: Dive into the 'Simple Ways to Get Present' worksheet, a practical guide designed to help you reconnect with the present moment. This resource offers easy-to-follow exercises and techniques, empowering you to cultivate mindfulness in your daily life. Discover straightforward methods to ground yourself, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned practitioner, this worksheet provides accessible tools for bringing mindfulness into your routine, fostering a greater sense of presence and balance.


Featured in Episode 19: Explore the 'Balanced Decision Making' worksheet, a strategic tool crafted to guide you through the process of weighing the pros and cons between maintaining the status quo and embracing change. This resource empowers you to assess your options with clarity, considering the advantages and disadvantages of both paths. Whether you're contemplating personal or professional decisions, this worksheet provides a structured framework to help you make informed choices. Navigate the complexities of decision-making with confidence and find the balance that aligns with your goals and values.


Featured on Episode 43: Dive into the 'DEARMAN' worksheet, a powerful tool designed to enhance your interpersonal effectiveness. This resource walks you through the DEARMAN acronym—Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, and Appear confident—providing a structured approach to assertive communication. Whether you're navigating challenging conversations, negotiating, or expressing your needs, this worksheet empowers you with a clear and effective strategy. Strengthen your communication skills and build healthier connections using the DEARMAN technique outlined in this valuable resource.


Featured on Episode 50: The Behavior Chain Analysis worksheet serves as a powerful guide and tool, designed to help individuals unravel the complex web of thoughts, emotions, and actions that occur in response to a triggering event. By methodically breaking down the sequence of events, this worksheet empowers users to identify and understand the underlying factors that influence their behaviors.